
I love Flix's FAQ

I was disappointed to learn that Flix has feature X instead of my favorite feature Y. We are deeply sorry to have let you down. This page alone made me want to try it. For a less passive-aggressive introduction to the language, their homepage is pretty good at giving an overall feel of the language.

Brazilian Lox

Pão Francês Smoked salmon Mayonnaise Sliced green olives Yellow mustard Open the bread roll, add mayo to both insides, then salmon, sliced olives on top and a generous topping of mustard.

Can Rust teach me computers?

     One of the books on my reading list is Bryant and O'Hallaron's Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective . As the name implies, it teaches you how computers work. The book uses C since it's a low-level language that "exposes" the machine and it appeals to me because I've been eager to learn both systems-level programming and computer hardware, and this book addresses both areas using C.     Now, the reader might not be aware, but there's currently a low-level language holy war between Rust and C going on (well, more like a two-front war with Rust tackling C and C++ at the same time). Which is fine and all - I've got no dog in this fight - but it got me thinking: Is there some book or piece of content that can teach me the same breadth of hardware knowledge based on Rust? Even though learning is fun, I'd rather learn a language at the same time I learn about hardware.      I don't expect to become a systems programmer any time soon, ...

Domain transfer code email may take up to 24h to arrive

Generating this code sounds like it should be quicker. Actually I expected it to be instantaneous, since I had both Porkbun's and Squarespace's tabs open, ready to set both my domains on the former. But it seems like Squarespace will take its sweet time before allowing me not to pay 3x the reasonable rate for a domain maintenance fee. I wonder if Domains was that unprofitable for Google to sell it. I hope Blogger is not on the chopping block, but I might migrate just in case.

JIT and GIL removal are not even my most anticipated Python 3.13 features

     Fun story: I came to Python through data analysis - so I wasn't a "python/programming expert" - and for an unreasonably long time used exclusively csv, parquet (thanks to pandas) and later JSON to persist data from my projects (local projects, of course. Mongo, RDS and Athena were always there). At work this was 100% enough (mostly parquet), but it always felt a little clunky to use JSON for a quick cache, especially when said cache grew larger for longer running processes or longer projects. Opening, parsing then serializing back again becomes slow surprisingly fast.      Then after a few years I decided to start using SQLite. I knew it existed, but always felt like it was a bit of a hassle to define a schema and "get" and "set" functions in all projects just to have a basic persistent k-v functionality. It was OK and had the extra benefit of allowing me to safely check this cache on a different jupyter notebook process when running longer proce...

Some nuggets of wisdom from Charlie Munger

Stripe Press recently released a new edition of Poor Charlie's Almanack, exactly a week after Munger sadly passed away. I had preordered the book and picked it up a few weeks after release. There are many good quips and general good advice in there and I will share the most interesting tidbits to me. First, the "mental model checklist". Charlie Munger is famous for his "mental models" framework and many outlets - books, websites, content writers - push mental models either because they believe in the framework or, more cynically, because people buy it trying to be more like Munger (that is, rich). I don't have a lot to add here, other than that when I read about this "mental models" frameworks, it never came to me the idea of a literal checklist. But that's how Munger explains his framework: a literal checklist. You go one by one, see which ones apply and - crucially important, according to him - when many apply (as in most real life cases) on...

In life as in gaming, CHA is the strongest stat

As I write this post, the board of directors of OpenAI is under extreme pressure to reinstate Sam Altman as CEO and giving him complete control of the company while they're at it. If they don't do that, it's likely that they'll lose the company's financial backers, compute enablers and a significant portion of their most important employees - the proverbial members of technical staff. Oh, and be sued to high Heaven by Satya  Nadella. Far from accusing Sam of being just talk as the title of this post may imply, but however intelligent he is what he brought for the company certainly wasn't his AI development capabilities, but the external and internal support that the company needed to move forward. Contrary to everything I would like to be true, this skill - convincing people, selling to them - is more important than being able to build what they want. Technically being able to, I mean, because actually forming a team to deliver, and presenting it in a way that c...