Can Rust teach me computers?

    One of the books on my reading list is Bryant and O'Hallaron's Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective. As the name implies, it teaches you how computers work. The book uses C since it's a low-level language that "exposes" the machine and it appeals to me because I've been eager to learn both systems-level programming and computer hardware, and this book addresses both areas using C.

    Now, the reader might not be aware, but there's currently a low-level language holy war between Rust and C going on (well, more like a two-front war with Rust tackling C and C++ at the same time). Which is fine and all - I've got no dog in this fight - but it got me thinking: Is there some book or piece of content that can teach me the same breadth of hardware knowledge based on Rust? Even though learning is fun, I'd rather learn a language at the same time I learn about hardware.

    I don't expect to become a systems programmer any time soon, but I admit that writing, say, high-performance libraries to be called from Python sounds appealing, and Rust seems to be gaining a lot of traction on that front. Maybe I can't escape learning C for the conceptual low-level stuff and then Rust to leverage the new ecosystem, but that's more trouble than I was expecting. I would appreciate any thoughts on how to deal with this question.


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